Assignments: My first impressions

After reading about the core assignments for this class, I think the ones I'm most excited about are simply the week-to-week reading and storytelling. I love the concept of reframing old, well-known stories to tell them in refreshing new ways, whether from varied perspectives or with beginnings/endings different from the originals. In fact, I know people who have taken this class online in past semesters, and it was them telling me about the storytelling assignments that made me want to take this class, too.

As far as the extra credit opportunities go, I'm extremely interested in three of the more creative assignments: microfictions, biographical writing, and famous last words. I'd like to know a little more about famous last words because I'm still not entirely sure I understand what the assignment entails, but I know it sounds like a fun writing opportunity—and, with one of my majors being fiction writing, it sounds like it's right up my alley.

I'm most excited for the microfictions extra credit opportunity. (Image by Mick Haupt via unsplash


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